Neuroscience News
Becca Van Sickler receives the Galileo Circle Copernicus Award
Congratulations to Becca Van Sickler for receiving the Copernicus award. The Copernicus Award is one of the highest honors the College of Science can bestow on its non-tenure eligible faculty, appointed personnel or classified staff. Becca is the acknowledged heart of the undergraduate program in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NSCS). Becca became part of the NSCS program at its inception and has been a constant and powerful guide and advocate for students and faculty as the program has grown from the first class of 29 students to the current enrollment of more than 500 students.
Hildebrand receives the Wigglesworth Medal
Dr. John G. Hildebrand receives the Wigglesworth Medal of the Royal Entomological Society from the past President, Dr. John A. Pickett.