Business Office

The Department of Neuroscience benefits from a variety of shared research-service facilities staffed by professionals skilled in their respective disciplines. Central administrative staff provide business services and support for the academic and research missions of the department.

Building Maintenance & Emergencies

All non-emergency requests for building and equipment service should be initiated through the Department Admin Office (611), 621-6629.

For building emergencies after hours or weekends (plumbing, electrical, etc.), please contact Facilities Management directly at 621-3000.

To insure appropriate follow up, please leave detailed message and/or email for: Jennifer Lawrence (990-1713), Tracey Purcell (621-6628)

In the Event of a Work-Related Injury:

Call 911 for emergencies.

Employees: Go to Campus Health for injuries requiring treatment. If closed, you may go to any hospital or urgent care.

Non-employees: Go to your health provider/care center for injuries requiring treatment.

Reporting the incident:

Employee Injury Report Form
Non-employee Injury Report Form